30 Mar

Buying any spare part online for your car is not an easy expedition unless you know everything about the nooks and creeks of automotive spare parts and accessories. 

Here is a quick guide that may help you out in buying any automobile spare part online:

Genuine parts

An original and genuine product ensures smooth performance after the repair and replacement is done. Thus, make sure that whatever you are buying online is coming from a genuine source. For this, you can check the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) number of the spare part, which ensures that the product you are buying, is genuine.

Manufacture details

If you are trying to buy any big spare part of a car online, for instance, a Maruti Suzuki Baleno back bumper or a body panel for Vitara Brezza, make sure that you look beyond the highest discounts that most websites offer. Also, check the manufacturing details of the part and check the brand reputation in the market as well. Sometimes it may feel like a perfect deal but before investing, you have to understand the functionality of the spare part of whether it matches your requirements or not. Don’t invest in anything which may seem high-end but doesn’t fit your requirement.


All genuine auto spare parts, be it a rear bumper for Maruti Suzuki Baleno or a bumper grille for some other car. Check the warranty provided by the manufacturer. The standard warranty is of one year for each product which can increase or decrease upon the company’s regulations. A few things which you may require for the warranty are a cash invoice and product number.


Many online sites provide easy returns and refund policies, but still before buying any spare parts for your car, make sure you go through the terms and conditions thoroughly before placing the order. It may happen sometimes that the site has different return policies for different products which need to be clarified first to avoid any further hassle.

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